Guidelines and Netiquette

Unlike ICE chat, this chat does have operators who will, when present, keep things orderly. Go ahead and chat freely, but just remember that manners count. These are some important things you should know:

Commands and how to use them

Most of the commands are similar to the ones used in ICE and IRC, but here's the list.

Regular commands
.quitLeaves the chat. This command isn't necessary to log out.
.join <room>Joins a room. Unlike in ICE, you cannot create your own rooms--you must join an existing room.
.me <action>Emote. .me looks around will become Bob looks around. Please do not over use this in the main room. Save it for Creatures RPG
.msg <name(s)> <message>Send private message; separate names with commas, but no spaces, for multiple messages at once. eg. .msg Joe Hi Joe! will be sent to Joe. Joe will see [From Bob] Hi Joe! and you'll see [To Joe] Hi Joe!
.say <any action>Says whatever you type next without looking for a command. e.g. .say /thwaps Fred will not give the usual error message, but will show in chat as Yourname: /thwaps Fred . This feature is useful when teaching someone the commands
.who [room]See the user list of a room (the current room is the default).
.whois <name>Get information about a user.
.whereis <name>Find a user.
.usersSee the complete user list.
.roomsSee a list of rooms.
.roominfo [room]Get information about a room.
.ignore <name>
.unignore <name>
Ignore/unignore a user. (This is based on IP address, so you can ignore someone for good.)
.ignorelistSee a list of users you are ignoring.
.isignoring <name>Find out if someone is ignoring you.
.banlistSee a list of banned and kicked addresses.
.isgagged [name]Find out if you or someone else are gagged.
.keepoutlistSee a list of people who are not allowed in the room.
.iplookup <IP>Shows a list of users with a given IP address.
.ignorebyip <IP>Ignores someone with a given IP address.
SysOp/TempOp commands
.time <time>Time for a given command to function, given in milliseconds (ms), seconds (s), minutes (m) hours (h), days (d) and weeks (w). For example, reducing a kick time to allow someone to correct the name after a sponateous disconnect with .time 1ms .kick <name>
.kick <name>Kick a user out of chat temporarily. (TempOps can only kick users in their own room.)
If kicking a stuck name (someone's internet connection dropped and their name is still in chat when they return), it's better to use .time 1s .kick <name> as the default time is 20 minutes.
.keepout <name>
.unkeepout <name>
.keepoutbyip <IP>
Keep a user out of the room--they are still free to enter other rooms. .unkeepout readmits the user. (TempOps can only keep users out of their own room, temporarily.)
.vote <y/n> <name>To allow a waitlisted user to enter, type .vote y <name> . However there may be people that are for one reason or another kept out of chat (see rules). In this case, you would type .vote n <name> eg .vote n LightOmni